Saturday 30 April 2011

The real parasites

in 2009 benefit cheats cost the country around £900 million
whereas rich tax loop-hole abusers lost the UK around £18.5 billion

Who are the real parasites?

Once the government shifted the unemployed from the dole onto incapacity benefit, in order to make the unemployment figures look better - this is called "lying"

These days the government and media (not just the right wing shitrags, it seems) stigmatise those on incapacity as scroungers, living it up at every decent taxpayer's expense.
This, after Thatcher's neoliberal policies decimated entire communities, reducing proud workers to doley scroungers.

This, after both Labour and Conservative governments have devalued our national industries and wealth. After they filter more and more public money into private (often foreign) hands. After they deregulate markets, only to use OUR money to bail out the same markets when their vile, single-minded fucking greed causes them to fail. Destroying thousands of jobs, all the while labelling the jobless as scrounging scum.
You overwork yourself into ill-health, half your wages taken from you to pay for services that, more and more, are being given away to private companies. When you're no longer fit to work, you're wrenched through the dehumanising welfare system, labelled as a worthless beggar and denied the crumbs from the system you've contributed to all of your life.

If you dare to speak up about this then you're labelled as a dangerous extremist.
Because it's extremist to put people before profits.
Because it's extremist to value people whose absolute poverty is caused by our unnecessary luxuries.
Because it's extremist to deny the war machine that bulldozes millions of innocent lives into mass graves.
Because it's extremist to love rather than hate.
Because it's extremist to put a value on human lives above and beyond that pound or dollar sign.
Because it's extremist to stand demand a living wage for your life of toil.
Because it's extremist to organise workers' rights in the face of major corporations paying death squads in third world countries to produce cheaper goods for spoiled first world consumers.
Because the word "fuck" is more obscene than 25000 children dead every day due to capitalism's chokehold on the production of crops.
Because business must go on, because no poor fucker's life is worth stalling the flow of more and more of the resources which belong to everyone into fewer and fewer grasping hands.
Because saying no to the centuries-long carving up of the middle east for it's resources is extremist, while the charred corpses desiccating in the desert are just more collateral damage.
And, to ask your oppressor to consider removing his boot from your face is hate speech.

ALL governments are liars, thieves and murderers.

We owe you NOTHING

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